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Mexican Fiesta Guacamole


  • Tub of Guacamole

  • Red Onions

  • Corn

  • Cilantro

  • Lime Olive Oil

  • Cheese crumble

  • Corn Chips

  • Lemon



  • Dump it into a pretty white bowl, or a nice bowl you have

  • Now that you have your guac all in there, it’s time to dress it up

  • Add some corn, red onions. Mix it up all fancy

  • Drizzle some olive oil. I’m using a Lime Olive Oil which will give it a little Mexican zest.

  • Sprinkle some cilantro

  • Remember, we’re making it look all pretty like you spent all day making it. Technically you are…you’re making this part.

  • Here’s an important tip about guacamole: Squeeze a little lemon drizzle over it. Not only will it taste amazing, but it’s is going to keep it from going brown and the acid in the lemon will keep it looking fresh.

  • Next, you’re going to add…..cheese. This will just crumble over the top

  • Clean up the edges of the plate to make it look clean. Because they’ll swear you’re a chef! HA!

  • Next, you’re going to add your chips. I like mixing it up with blue and yellow chips. Give your guests some options. The more colorful, the tastier it looks.

  • Look at this! Your store-bought guac looks like Mexican cuisine.